Program 2023

August 31st - September 2nd | Marina da Glória | Rio de Janeiro | RJ

Green Rio is the platform for business, innovation and research in bioeconomy and green economy.


Green Rio/Green Latin America 2023 Conference

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Note: Schedule subject to change

August 31 – Thursday


(there will be simultaneous translation)

10:00 / 11:00 – Opening Ceremony
11:00 / 12:00 – Keynote Speaker – Jefferson Gomes – Director of Technology and Innovation SENAI – National Department 
1:45 pm / 2:45 pm – Energy: New Scenarios and Sustainable Opportunities in Brazil
Moderator: Eng. Wagner Victor
– Enge. Paulo Prunzel – Petrobras Research Center (CENPES) – “Hydrogen: Forms and Technologies available in Brazil”
– Eng. Francisco Victer – Researcher at FGV Energia – “The Potentialities of using Batteries as Storage Systems associated with Electricity Generation in Brazil”
– Eng. Fábio Viana de Abreu – Consultant – “Vinhaça Biogas and Biomethane, the Technology for the “Pre-Salt Caipira”
14:50 / 16:00 – Circular Economy and Food Security
– Fecomércio System
– Zona Sul
4:00 pm / 6:00 pm – Blue Economy, Basins and Bays Workshop
Secretary of Environment and Sustainability – SEAS
Opening and Moderation: Ana Asti,
1st Panel – 4:00 pm / 5:15 pm – Blue Economy and Oceanic Culture Panel
– Juliette Lassman
– Nina Braga
– Osklen and Institute and
– Renato Regazzi –
Sebrae RJ
– Prof. Marcos Bastos
– UERJ / Oceanography
– Renata Ramalhosa
– Beta i
2nd Table – 5:15 pm / 6:00 pm – Bays and Basins Panel
Solange Filoso – University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
– Elliot Campbell – Maryland Department of Natural Resources
– Carlos Martins – Águas de Portugal
– Otávio Cunha and Amanda Ithala – Instituto Rio Metrópole
– Sérgio Magalhães – Architect and urban planner


14:00 / 15:50 – Innovative Technologies and 2030 Agenda
1st Panel – Sustainable Industrial Districts in the State of Rio de Janeiro and the 2030 Agenda
– Carolina Zoccoli – Firjan
Melissa Rocco – AEDIN
Mariana Maia – SEAS
Paulo Protásio – Rio 2030
2nd Panel – Technologies for Agriculture and Aquaculture
– André Jurgens Rios
– Business France
– Burkhard Horman
– ColossalFish, Aquaculture Scenario
– Fabio Ramos
– Agrosuisse (WIPO Green Brazil Project)
– Ric Scheinkman
– Israel Initiatives
16:00 / 18:00 – Climate, Decarbonization and Green Finance
Moderation and Opening Speech: Gustavo Donato,
Dean of Centro Universitário FEI – SP
1st Panel – Climate and Decarbonization
– Sebrae Mato Grosso do Sul
– Luiz Pedro Bier – President of Instituto Ação Verde
– Alida Bellandi – President Guarany
– Leonardo Alvarenga – SNASH
2nd Table – Green Finance
– Nelson Rocha,
Former Rio de Janeiro Planning Secretary
– Michael Becker,
Nature Invest
– Jorge Gildi,
Banco do Brasil
– Prof. Leonardo Lima
– IAG / PUC-Rio


13:00 / 15:00 – Pride of our roots – Aprosoja MT
– Guardian of the Waters – Marlene Lima – Sustainability Manager at Aprosoja-MT
– GMO-Free Soy in Brazil – Eduardo Vaz – Executive Coordinator Instituto Soja Livre

September 1 – Friday

(there will be simultaneous translation)



114:30 / 15:30 – Intellectual Property and Green Technologies
AL-Invest Verde PI Program – European Union
National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)
– Exhibitor: Julio César Moreira – President, INPI Brazil
– EU representative / EUROCLIMA +
– to be confirmed
– Mariano Riccheri Ponferrada
– Project Manager, AL-INVEST Green DPI

Click here for full schedule

15:45 / 18:00 – Fundação Dom Cabral and Green Latin America International Panel:
Global South Scenarios
Opening – Prof. Paulo Vicente Alves, Fundação Dom Cabral
Ingo Ploger – CEAL
Maritta Koch Weser – Rainforest Business School Network
Virgilio Viana – Sustainable Amazon Foundation
Mourad Malloul – Green Nation Foundation
Cleber Soares – Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply
Enrique Garcilazo – OECD
Moderation: Maria Beatriz Bley Costa – Green Rio / Green Latin America


10:00 / 13:00 – Seminar Organic Agriculture in Brazil and Germany
(there will be simultaneous translation)
14:00 / 15:45 – Economy of the Sea for Micro and Small Companies – Strategies and Opportunities
                           Promotion: SEBRAE RJ
Presentation of the performance strategy of micro and small companies in the sea economy of Guanabara Bay (SEBRAE)
– Presentation of the economy of the Sea in Marina da Glória, Flamengo and Paquetá
– Presentation of the Economy of Mar Magé and Guapimirim
– Presentation of the Economy of the Sea Ilha do Governador
– Presentation of the Niterói Sea Economy
– Sustainable Sea Innovation (BlueTech) – Floating Barrier
– Sustainable Sea Innovation (BlueTech) – Algae to reproduce the carbon footprint
– Sustainable Sea Innovation (BlueTech) – Bioeconomy of the Sea Cosmetics
– Blue Entrepreneurship Model for Praia – Sanca Azul
– Strategy for Blue Innovation
16:00 / 17:30 – The Green Potential of Intellectual Property
Success stories: applicability of intellectual property for sustainable development
Agenda prepared by AL-INVEST Verde DPI
– Moderator: Mariano Riccheri Ponferrada – Project Manager, AL-INVEST Verde DPI
– Exhibitor: Robson Dias da Cruz –
Economic Affairs Officer, ECLAC Office in Brazil
– José Antonio Cardoso Fonseca –
Technical Analyst, SEBRAE
– Alfredo Carlos Rendón Algara –
Representative of the Government of Michoacan. Mexico, Economic Affairs and Geographical Indications
– Luis Fernando Samper –
Intellectual Property Consultant

Click here for full schedule


13:30 / 15:00 – Green Intelligence Network: The Triple Helix of Innovation in RJ
15:30 / 17:30 – JKI meeting – EMBRAPA (Private event)

September 2 – Saturday


11:00 / 13:00 – Sustainable Cities – Rural-Urban Connection and Sustainable Tourism
1st Table – 11:00/12:00 – Sustainable Cities – Rural-Urban Connection
– Enrique Garcilazo
– Rio de Janeiro’s city hall
– Verônica Sabatino
– Municipal Secretary of the Environment and Water Resources-ITU
– Paul Dale
– International Advisory – State Secretariat for Environment, Infrastructure and Logistics
– Rozilene Caletti
– Women of Biogas
2nd Table – 12:00/ 13:00 – Sustainable Tourism
– Michelle dos Santos
– Sebrae SP – Vale do Ribeira
– Monise Alves and Marcos Traad
– Cataratas Group
– Fabio Nascimento
– President of ACTA-Ass. Carioca de Turismo de Aventura – Turismo de Aventura
– Nautical Tourism / Marinas
– Luciana Delamare
– Regenerative Tourism
14:30 / 16:30 – Public Purchases, Citizenship and School Meals
– Rogerio Dias – Instituto Brasil Orgânico
– Karime Ribeiro 
– City Hall of Rio de Janeiro
– Alessandra Pereira
– Teresa Corção – Chef and Designer
– President-founder of Instituto Maniva and Ecochefs, Ambassador of Brazilian Cuisine at Senac RJ, Fellow of Ashoka and Synergos
– Prof. José Lucena
– UFRRJ – Urban Vegetable Gardens Project


10:00 / 12:00 – 14:30 / 16:30 – Revolutionnutri: Unraveling the Secrets of Phytotherapy and Supplementation in Modern Nutrition


10:30 am / 11:30 am – Cafés & Cia
12:30 / 14:30 – Meeting 50 years EMBRAPA
5 pm – CLOSING

Note: Schedule subject to change
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