Simbioze Amazônica

Co-expositor SEBRAE


Contact and information

Avenida Rodrigo Otávio, 1910 / Núcleo 32 – Crespo – 69073-177 – Manaus – AM


A Native Amazonian Brand
Simbioze is the cosmetics brand of Biozer da Amazônia (Amazonian startup, a reference in bioeconomics). Together with bodies and institutes in defense of the Amazon rainforest, we aim to highlight the importance of local extraction as the main link between industry and the forest, showing its peculiarities, seasonality and characteristics.
We have a sustainable and traceable process that combines the soul of the forest and traditional knowledge with science and technology. Our product line is 100% natural (free from synthetic ingredients) and vegan, that is, it has no animal DNA traces in the composition. In this way, we respect and dignify the culture, values and knowledge of the traditional peoples of the Amazon to take all the senses of the forest in an ethical and transparent way. 

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