Showcase 2021

November 25-27, 2021 | Marina da Gloria - Rio de Janeiro, RJ



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Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento – MAPA

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa) is responsible for managing public policies to stimulate agriculture, promoting agribusiness and regulating and standardizing services related to the sector. In Brazil, agribusiness includes small, medium and large rural producers and includes activities that supply goods and services to agriculture, agricultural production, processing, transformation and distribution of products of agricultural origin to the final consumer.

Thus, the Ministry of Agriculture seeks to integrate under its management the marketing, technological, scientific, environmental and organizational aspects of the productive sector and also the sectors of supply, storage and transport of crops, in addition to the management of economic and financial policy for agribusiness. With the integration of sustainable development and competitiveness, the Map aims to guarantee food security for the Brazilian population and the production of surpluses for export, strengthening the national productive sector and favoring Brazil’s insertion in the international market.

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