
Co-expositor do Ministério da Agricultura,
Pecuária e Abastecimento – MAPA


Contact and information

Rua Soledade, 11 – Ilópolis/RS. Cep: 95990-000

We are Inovamate, a small industry located in the Taquari Valley, Rio Grande do Sul, which connects to the ecosystem around it and offers products made with Yerba Mate, a native tree of the Atlantic Forest. The Vale do Taquari / RS in the past received numerous families of Italian immigrants who came across the culture of Erva-mate. In Ilópolis, where we are located, the management of the plant has been carried out for years by these families, mostly composed of small rural producers. Aware that the production of Yerba Mate is a non-timber activity that makes up the Brazilian agroforestry market, we work with farmers thinking about the socioeconomic and environmental sustainability of this production chain, associating research and use of technology with traditional knowledge and use of erva-mate, combined with the development of the local community and fair trade. 

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